Hallelujah, bless all ministry partners in the name of Jesus Christ.
As the new semester of 2022-23 begins with a prayerful heart-holding about how the problem of Covid19, which is difficult to say that it is over yet, with expectations and worries.
In the ministry this semester, We're planning various evangelism events and training programs for college students called the COVID-19 generation to participate in person and carry the heart of evangelism. In particular, we have a new campus at Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) Metro in Teaneck. Please pray for the FDU campus meeting with the leaders.
New Campus, Leaderas and J-cru worship
after graduating last year's leaders, new leaders from each campus started ministry so our Jersey Cru team held the Leadership Summit in the middle of August to share the vision and goals for this semester. and we honored God through the first J-Cru worship service on 9/30 with college students across NJ. Please pray that New leaders, students, and staff can carry well as God's workers.
Everything is done by God's grace
This semester, We're going to take care William Paterson University (WPU), New Jersey Institute of Technology(NJIT), Bergen Community College (BCC), and FDU Metro campus (new).
I felt that the WPU was becoming more and more spiritually depressed as many of the school's classes went online after the pandemic, reducing the number of students taking classes on campus and reducing the number of students directly participating in the meeting.
However, we are moving forward for the ministry by continuously sharing the Word of God with the students we have met since last semester, and in mid-November, we are preparing an evangelism outreach event to preach the gospel to students during Thanksgiving week, so please pray for it.
And FDU Metro newly served is small and didn't have any relationship with all students but it is taking a step toward the Gospel in melting with the spicy taste of Korean chicken. After a couple of weeks, more than eight students now attending Bible study meetings and they're planning a Movie Day outreach event on October 21 and November.
At NJIT Campus, about 30 students join in a large group meeting, campus evangelism using KGP(Knowing God Personally) Booklet and other materials, and Bible studies. Especially, on October 14th, 80 students participated in the Bubble Tea outreach event and had a chance to hear the gospel, and on November 17th, a Thanksgiving event is planned. Please pray for this.
However, BCC needs more prayer time. When. we started ministry last year, i was worried about the nature of the 2-year community school, there were a lot of transfer students, and unfortunately, leaders graduated and suddenly transferred to another school. I had a hope that God will recover this campus soon but we don't know God's will and time. So I went to campus to pray for new leaders and campus, and while in prayer The scripture "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. -Acts 1:8 ” touched my heart and I realized that God wants me to pray for that day with a humble heart because everything is not my will but His will. So please pray with me for BCC together.
Fall retreat and winter conference
10월 7-9일까지 진행된 가을 리트릿은 Cru Oneness 팀의 디렉터로 섬기고 있는 Darry 과 그의 아내인 Gween Smith를 통하여 예수님을 통한 하나님과 우리들의 관계 회복에 대한 말씀을 주제로, 자신들의 이야기와 기도제목 그리고 학생들이 가지고 있는 재능을 함께 나누면서 교제하는 귀한 시간이 되었습니다. 가을 수련회에 참가한 학생들의 영성이 지속적으로 성장하여 겨울 수련회 (12월) 그리고 여름 선교 (5월-6월)로 이어질 수 있도록 기도를 부탁 드립니다.
Jersey Cru Fall retreat was held from October 7-9 with Darry and his wife, Gween Smith, who serve as director of Cru's Oneness team. and they delivered the message about restoring our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It was a great time for the participants with sharing time, QT, a talent show, and others. please pray for students who participated in the retreat will continue to grow and join in Winter conference (December) and Summer mission (May-June)
Prayer Requests
Last summer, I visited Korea to see parents and ministry partners and took a medical examination in almost 10 years. after that, I found a small tumor in my right lung. But It didn't need surgery right now, so I have to observe it regularly in the future. I'm planning a Summer mission for Next Summer but if my tumor is going gets worse, I couldn't go mission. So I ask your prayer that God heals my tumor and sends me a summer mission.
All Cru's missionaries can carry ministry with partners who support finances necessary. However, as prices, fuel and rental costs raise after the Pandemic and it makes us hard to keep our mission. So we're looking for new supporters who join campus ministry with us financially, especially for Spring and Summer seasons. Please pray for new supporters and for our family too.
Once again, I bless the families of partners in the name of Jesus Christ, and I and Kyung-sun Park will always be with you in our prayers, even though they are far away.